About Us
Our Story

The Orangeville Lions Club was proudly chartered on April 12, 1949. With twenty-one service minded men the club began by initiating school crossing guards in 1950. This was immediately followed up with bussing our youth to the Fergus swimming pool from 1951 until 1953. The club members rolled up their sleeves and constructed Orangeville’s first outdoor community pool in 1953.
Several of the existing members still have fond memories of the annual Lions Village Fair which began in 1950. Everyone enjoyed the Lions famous hotdogs with fried onions. The fair included many games of chance for all ages and several rides. The fair was held in June which signaled the end of another school year.
The club has a very impressive list of amenities it has helped contribute to the Town of Orangeville. Murray’s Mountain is enjoyed year round by the young and old. The club helped finance the Tony Rose Memorial Arena. Recently the club built the Town’s first BMX park. Most recently is the addition of the Orangeville Lions SportsPad.
The Orangeville Lions also played a significant role in the ophthalmology project which has been a welcome addition to the Headwaters Hospital.
The club also support many District and Multiple District projects such as Lake Joseph, Lions Foundation Canada, Lions Clubs International Foundation, Lions Home for the Deaf, youth exchange, effective speaking, peace poster contest and Diabetes Awareness just to name a few.
Our 2024 - 2025 Executive Board